I just made myself very unpopular with several 'business schools'

I was recently featured by the Sydney Morning Herald in an article‘Do you really need a business plan?’
They interviewed myself and several other national and international business owners on their opinions about business plans.
To answer the article question, NO, you don’t. But, you do need a STRATEGIC PLAN.
For myself and many of my clients, a business plan is something that you create when you need to borrow money from the bank. The banks even have their own templates that you can fill in ‘ for your convenience’. Or you create on at the start of your business, because it is what ‘they’ told you all real business owners do and it ends up stores in a file someone on your computer, it didn’t even get printed!
So, what you really need is a strategic plan, this is a plan that will help you grow and scale your business. It has your big mission and your to do’s, to get you there.
My strategic plan is set up with my annual vision, quarterly goals, monthly chunks of these goals, weekly to do’s, then daily tasks that I need to get it done. This is a strategic way to ensure that I am on track to achieving my big vision and don’t stray off track.
I was actually talking to a client of mine last week. We had gotten together to  create a strategic plan for her 2 months ago, since then she has tripled her business, is getting better quality clients and she is spending more time with her family.
We started to chat about the old business plan that she had created and how it sat in her draw never look at.
Now she has her strategic plan set up, she is achieving this quarters goals, with each aspect broken down in simple weekly and daily tasks.
So check out the article here and let me know, do you have a business plan, do you implement it, or would you like my help to create a strategic  plan to get your business on track and moving in the right direction?  Email me at you@evejohn.com.au or send contact me here